Dylan Sage Five Months
I have a five month old. The only thing weirder than that, will be next month when we celebrate Dylan's half birthday.
Dylan had a very busy month. She is now at school full time and absolutely loving it. I've seen two big changes in her since starting school.
1) instead of just staring at other babies, she reaches for them. Laughs at them and tries so hard to engage. We've had a few play dates and it's getting more and more entertaining watching her talk with whomever we are with.
play dates are much more fun
2) she can entertain herself alone for a pretty decent period of time. Not that I don't love spending time with her and playing, but it is nice to be able to just relax in her presence.
She is taking reading so seriously. Every morning we pick one book to read and we read it at least twice. She helps me turn the pages and when it's all over she looks at me with these eyes that say "one more time, please?"
Let's talk about the sleep though. We hit the four month sleep regression HARD. In addition to taking her out of the swaddle which was a tortuous few days, her sleep patterns completely shifted. I feel like it was a combination of teething, sleep changes, and being hungry. She refuses to sleep on her stomach and continues to resist rolling back over once she is on her stomach. The other night she rolled herself back over and then ended up sleeping on her side for a few hours. That seemed to be most comfortable for her and allowed us all to get some pretty solid straight sleep.
Napping is all about getting her at the right time, which can still be pretty tricky.
Dylan's also figured out how to make her rattle make noise. Basically anything that makes noise she's figured out how to do it on her own. Including using her face to turn on her Baby Einstein radio.
Everything and anything is going into her mouth.....including SOLID FOOD! We started with oatmeal and then did avocado. She had no issues taking in those first few bites. It was like she had been waiting months for it. Watching her eat different foods for the first time is so much fun.
mmmmm food
I was super ambitious and bought some cookbooks, we will see how far they actually take me.