
Thanks for stopping by! Let's get sweaty and figure out this whole parenting thing together!

Cycleburn Humbles Me

Cycleburn Humbles Me

I went to my first cycle class in probably 2+ years today at Burn Fitness. The studio is around the corner and offers a lot by way of group fitness including yoga, Pilates, kickboxing and more. It's unusual to find that outside of a big box so I've been dying to try it out.

I had a lot of thoughts during the hour long class, which I will breakdown for you here.  

15 Minutes In: I wish I had invested in my own spin shoes. Spinning in regular tennis shoes is a lot harder than I remember. If I decide to continue here, I will get myself some spin shoes.  

30 Minutes In: I am fully doubting my choice in workouts for the last year and a half. Was I kidding myself that I was in shape? My endurance is NOT what it used to be, this is bad.   

40 Minutes In: I am gassed. How is that old lady over there turning up the resistance? No, don't tell me that my RPMs are supposed to be at 125! You have me on a resistant level 7!  

45 Minutes In: I could leave right now, but we probably only have 10 minutes of actual work and then we will do a cooldown for the last five. I can make it another 10 minutes.  

55 Minutes In: What do you mean turn up the restistance? Is this a cruel joke? I can't do jumps anymore. Oooo One Direction, solid song selection.

57 Minutes In: Wait, did you just say we are going to sprint for another 3.5 minutes? The clock says we have 3 minutes left! Why aren't we cooling down?

Workout Complete: I remember why I used to do this so often. My legs are jiggly. How can I convince Josh that I can do this once a week?  



That Love of Art Though

That Love of Art Though

When a Program Just Clicks

When a Program Just Clicks