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Slash Fitness: TRX Yoga Review


If you've ever wanted to prove that you are entirely not flexible...take TRX yoga. The suspension both supports and challenges many yoga poses, helping you deepen the stretch while working your entire body. Alexis, who runs the yoga practice at Saltwater Brewery, also leads the TRX Yoga class at Slash Fitness. I'd never been to Slash, but have heard good things so I was excited to see the space.

First impression? I was a little disappointed that I wasn't shown around or explained how the studio works. Maybe I just have high expectations, but felt like I was left to my own devices. The person at the front desk was incredibly nice, and answered my questions though.

The class itself was seriously challenging. Alexis wasn't joking when she said that it was a great core workout. She took us through a pretty standard yoga flow with down dogs (or pikes), warrior I and II and III, forward folds, side planks, and lunges.


I reached proper sweat mode pretty quickly for a non-heated yoga class. I was a bit fumbly moving through the flow and there were a few times where I am pretty sure I just got completely twisted. 


While I easily got into the hand stand portion of class, the chest openers, lunges and bow poses were incredibly challenging. My short little limbs just aren't made for bending that way. I can only hope that after more practice that will change. 

Summer Things I'm Loving

21 Drops - Essential Oil Blends